God told Jeremiah the prophet to go to the potter’s house. Glorious Vessels brings the potter to you in order to unfold this incredible parable. The stage will be set with various tools of the trade and attention will be drawn to many vessels of clay in various stages on the workbench.
All the sessions are packed with scripture and practical application. As the message unfolds, God’s love for us comes into focus. We see Him as our gentle loving Father patiently at work with, in, and through His precious children in order to bring us into the image of His dear Son, Jesus.
If at all possible, in order to receive the fullness of the message, Glorious Vessels in the Potter’s Hand should be allowed to take place through four 45 minute sessions. (see brochure for more details)
Session 1 Heavenly Potter
Session 2 Glorious Vessels in the Making (part 1) with potter’s wheel
Session 3 Glorious Vessels in the Making (part 2)
Session 4 Yielded Vessels
However, a condensed version is appropriate for special events: banquets, luncheons, desserts, etc.. The condensed version is a complete message in itself. Sessions 1,2, and 3 are all touched upon. Allow a minimum of 1& 1/2hrs to include a demonstration on the potter’s wheel and allow a 45 minute minimum for a one time session without the wheel (vessels in various stages still create a complete picture).
Glorious Vessels has been presented in a variety of settings: retreats (for women, men, youth or families), seminars of one or two days, or in a series (once a week or once a month for 4 sessions).
Condensed special events have included: Sunday evening and mid-week services, mother-daughter banquets, missions conference, VBS, Sunday school, youth events, community outreaches, luncheons, teas, desserts etc..
We have had the pleasure of sharing this message for over ten years and have had the privilege of ministering to various churches and ministries both nondenominational and denominational: Calvary Chapels, Assemblies of God, Baptists, Bible Churches, Methodists, Presbyterians, Mennonites etc.. We’ve had opportunity to share with the Salvation Army and the US Army (Fort Monmouth Christian Woman)! We’ve served at America’s Keswick, Harvey Cedars, Tuscarora Inn, and Olmsted Manner retreat centers among others.
The message has been greatly received and appreciated!
It is our pleasure to share this encouraging message as God opens doors of opportunity. We do so joyfully, yet humbly, representing the heart of our loving Heavenly Potter and also with our Pastor’s commissioning and blessing.